Acupuncture is one of the main therapies of the Wu Da Liao Fa or the 5 Main Methods of Treatment.
Here at Health Spring TCM we only use sterilised, single use, disposable acupuncture needles which generally range between 0.18 and 0.25mm thick – which is roughly the thickness of a single strand of hair. The length of needles differ depending on the area of the body selected and the reason for Acupuncture.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
No. Acupuncture should not hurt. There are a few sensations which we expect you to feel such as a light ‘prick’ feeling on the surface of the skin followed by a ‘deep’ or ‘heavy’ sensation or some people describe it as an ‘electric’ feeling, other people feel nothing at all.
If there is any specific pain, tell you practitioner straight away. Acupuncture is meant to be an overall pleasurable, relaxing experience. At Health Spring TCM we are here to ensure you gain the most out of every treatment.
I’m afraid of needles!
A common fear to try Acupuncture is because of the fear of needles. We never force anyone to have Acupuncture, however, we have a special method of inserting the needles and once they’re in, the usual comment is “Oh, I didn’t feel anything, that was easy!” We will do our very best to make you feel comfortable and to help you make an informed decision to try Acupuncture.
How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture uses fine needles to balance the flow of Qi (Vital Energy) which flows throughout the body via a series of channels that the ancient Chinese people mapped out over 5000 years ago. They were described in ancient engravings, paintings and early printed materials.
These channels, or what we call meridians, interconnect the various body aspects: upper, lower, internal, external, muscles, organs or viscera and sense organs.
There are also muscular- tendon channels.
Fine single use disposable needles are inserted into points along the channels and in tight or tense points in muscles to release the tension and help relieve pain, promote circulation and to balance the Qi of the body which can assist health and well being.
In Chinese Medicine we say various types of pain are related to ‘blockages’ or ‘sluggishness’ in the circulation of Qi and/or Blood. Acupuncture, alongside other treatment modalities, acts to rectify the flow and circulation of Qi and Blood, harmonising the body, helping to clear circulation stasis and reducing symptoms of pain and sickness. For many conditions several treatments may be required and of course, if in the event that symptoms persist the person will be referred to other health professionals.