Category: Featured
Easy remedy for Colds, Flu & Hayfever: Combating the Hot and Cold of Spring
Easy remedy for Colds, Flu & Hayfever: Combating the Hot and Cold of Spring I was enjoying some time in the park yesterday as the sun was shining. It was quite warm and mild but as we are still coming out of winter, the breeze was a bit cool. I heard an elderly gentleman close […]
Healthy Food Can Make You Sick!
So many people say they eat ‘Healthy’ food. They have delicious and nutritious meals every day. Beautiful green or fruit smoothies, raw/organic salads, fresh sushi etc. Yet they still experience some weight gains, bloating or other digestive issues such as loose or irregular bowel movements, nautia, lack of energy, bad tastes in the mouth… the […]
Feeling Full?
Especially around the festive season, people tend to overeat at nearly every meal, enjoying fine food and wine with friends and family. The problem is we often find ourselves sitting around for extended periods of time after each meal. Remember, Confucius said: “Walk 300 steps after each meal”. This doesn’t mean hard exercise or jogging. […]
Bringing Eastern Philosophy to Modern Culture
Michael Wong’s mission is to share with you the knowledge passed down from his father, Professor Wong OAM. Michael is also a practitioner at Health Spring TCM.
What’s that funky smell? Many confuse the smell and look of moxa with other substances, however Moxa is actually using the very useful herb called Ai Ye or Mugwort. We burn the herb and either hold it over a certain area or place it on top of a needle to further enhance the treatments. The […]
Does Cupping Hurt? This is perhaps the most common question regarding cupping. When cupping is performed properly, by a trained professional it should not hurt you at all. Cupping is used primarily to move the circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body for a wide variety of conditions including common colds, muscular pains, coughing, […]
Why Can We Help You?
We believe in providing the highest quality health care to you. Nothing Less. Health Spring TCM Founder, Glenys Savage has trained under the world renowned Chinese Medical and Martial Arts Master, Professor Lun Wong OAM. Glenys has over 35 years of experience in Teaching and Practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine, she is a registered practitioner with the […]