I’m very excited to introduce you to our new range of medical grade silicon cups.
These cups are amazing: unbreakable, no fire or pump required and just as effective as traditional glass and fire cups – but easier to use!
Perfect for travelling. Great for kids. Leave some at the office!
Each box set comes with 2 Large clear cups and 2 Small blue cups.
I’ve been using these cups on myself, family and friends for several months now and am very pleased with the results! The best part is that I can finally cup my own back! I want to share with you this breakthrough in an ancient technology that meets the convenience and demand of today’s society. Remember, cupping dates back over 5000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
You can use cups to help with:
- Muscle Aches/Pains/Sprains
- Coughing
- Fatigue
- Stomach/Digestive issues
- Menstrual Cramps
- Fertility
- Headaches
- Common Cold
- and many many more…
Join in one of our workshops and learn how to use your cups to help diagnose and treat these conditions at home!
These cups are SO easy to use:
1. Squeeze the cup
2. Place it on the skin
The first time you cup your own skin, have a play around with how tight you can make it by squeezing it harder and softer.
When you place it on your skin, sometimes it will be in an oval shape. If this is the case, simply manipulate the cup on the skin to retake the circular shape and watch it suck up your skin!
Please monitor your skin. The worst thing that can happen is for a blister to occur. This happens when cups are left on too tight for too long. If blisters do occer, you will see little fluid filled bubbles appear on the skin. Cover with a plaster to prevent from infection.
Apart from that, there is basically nothing else that can go wrong with these silicon cups! Obviously, don’t cup over open cuts or wounds.
I will continue to post tips and tricks to do with your cups. Please also post on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook etc #HealthSpringTCMCups
I encourage you to use them on yourself, friends and family. Just remember that everyone’s skin is different. What’s perfectly tight for you may be wayyy too tight for someone else.
PS. I’ve tested many other manufacturers of different types of silicon cups. I find some manufacturers leave a sharp ridge on the cup which cuts into the skin after a while…quite painful after a few minutes. My cups are nice and smooth for your skin 🙂
Remember to relax,
Michael Wong.
Bringing Eastern Philosophy to Modern Culture.